How does a Tyro Business Loan work?

A Tyro Business Loan* is a cash flow option for Tyro customers who are seeking additional funds that can be repaid as a percentage of daily takings.^

4 simple steps

Once you’re ready, there are four steps to complete in the Tyro App:

  1. Click “Apply” and then “Check Eligibility” from the “Loans” tab in the Tyro App
  2. If eligible, decide the amount you would like to borrow
  3. Nominate your percentage of repayments from daily takings
  4. View and accept your loan summary which includes your Loan Fee and estimated repayment period

You will then just need to select your loan purpose then provide your personal guarantee and accept the Loan terms and conditions.

Once approved

If your daily takings are deposited into a fee-free Tyro Bank Account, your Tyro Business Loan funds are deposited within 60 seconds. If you settle your daily takings^ into an account with another bank, you’ll receive your loan funds within a few business days.

Then, repayments are made from your daily takings^ based on the daily repayment percentage you nominated.

How a loan could help you?

There are times in business where you need to respond to market conditions. Perhaps you need to do your new season purchasing, or you need to invest in marketing ahead of an event. Maybe you need a key piece of new equipment, upgrade your eCommerce capabilities, or you just need some extra cash flow.


Just as your needs vary according to sales, so can your loan repayments. Instead of set repayments, Tyro Business Loan repayments are calculated as a percentage of your daily takings.

This gives you the flexibility of repayments that rise and fall along with your daily takings. Subject to minimum repayments, this allows you to repay your loan in line with the ebbs and flows of business.

No uncertainty

Instead of the uncertainties of interest rates, with a Tyro Business Loan, you will know the total cost of your loan with one simple up-front fee calculated at the time of your loan approval, payable over the life of the loan.

How much could you borrow?

Tyro EFTPOS and eCommerce customers can borrow unsecured amounts up to $350,000 (subject to eligibility criteria).

The Tyro Loan Calculator can provide guidance on how much you can borrow based on the percentage of daily takings you would like to commit to repayments. The calculator will also provide an estimate of your loan fee.

More answers, articles, and links:

How do I get a Tyro Business Loan?


Tyro Payments Limited ACN 103 575 042 AFSL 471951 (Tyro) is the issuer of its own financial products. As Tyro does not take into account your personal circumstances, please consider if these products are suitable for you.

*Tyro loans are subject to Tyro’s eligibility and credit criteria. A personal guarantee is required and loan repayments are subject to minimum repayment amounts. Other conditions may apply.

^Takings include all transactions processed on the Tyro EFTPOS and eCommerce facilities.